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    • 姓名: 李武顯
    • 性別: 男
    • 職務(wù): 
    • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
    • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
    • 電話(huà): 020-85290225
    • 傳真: 020-85290130
    • 電子郵件: liwx@gig.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址: 廣州市天河區科華街511號
      簡(jiǎn)  歷:
    • 研究員,博士,19643月生。199912月畢業(yè)于南京大學(xué)地球科學(xué)系獲博士學(xué)位。199912-200212月在中科院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所從事博士后研究工作,出站后留所任副研究員。200112-20022月和20093-20102月分別在澳大利亞西澳大學(xué)和科庭大學(xué)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)研究。目前主要從事華南新元古代與Rodinia聚合與裂解有關(guān)的巖漿作用以及中生代大規模巖漿活動(dòng)的研究。主持國家自然科學(xué)基金7項,參加基金委創(chuàng )新群體項目,國家自然科學(xué)基金重點(diǎn)項目,中國科學(xué)院知識創(chuàng )新工程重要方向項目和"973"項目以及“華南深地專(zhuān)項”和“科學(xué)院先導項目”等多項。近年來(lái),在國內外學(xué)術(shù)刊物上發(fā)表論文90余篇。

      社會(huì )任職:
    • 巖石地球化學(xué);巖石大地構造

    • 2008年度廣東省科學(xué)技術(shù)一等獎(排名第三)


    • 2010年以來(lái)發(fā)表的文章

      1. 岑濤,李武顯*,陶繼華,趙希林,邢光福. 2017. 贛南版石-蔡坊火山巖年代學(xué)、地球化學(xué)和鋯石Hf 同位素特征及其地質(zhì)意義. 大地構造與成礦學(xué),415),933-949. (通訊作者)

      2. 覃曉云,李武顯*岑濤,呂璞良,陶繼華. 2017. 北武夷資溪-光澤巖體鋯石U-Pb 年代學(xué)對確定華南內陸印支期巖漿活動(dòng)時(shí)空分布與形成環(huán)境的意義. 大地構造與成礦學(xué),414),753-767. (通訊作者)

      3. Li, W.X., Li, X.H., Wang, X.C., Yang, D.S. 2017. Petrogenesis of Cretaceous shoshonitic rocks in the northern Wuyi Mountains, South China: A result of the roll-back of a flat-slab? Lithos, 288-289, 125-142.

      4. Tao, N., Li, ZX., Dani? k, M., Evans, N.J., Batt, G.E., Li, WX., Pang, C.J., Jourdanc, F., Xu, YG., Liu, LP. 2017. Thermochronological record of Middle–Late Jurassic magmatic reheating to Eocene rift-related rapid cooling in the SE South China Block. Gondwana Research, 46, 191–203.

      5. Yao, W.H., Li, ZX., Li, W.X., Li, X.H. 2017. Proterozoic tectonics of Hainan Island in supercontinent cycles: New insights from geochronological and isotopic results. Precambrian Research, 290, 86–100.

      6. Lyu, P.L., Li, W.X.,* Wang, X.C., Pang, C.J., Cheng, J.X., Li, X.H. 2017. Initial breakup of supercontinent Rodinia as recorded by ca 860–840 Ma bimodal volcanism along the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Block, South China. Precambrian Research 296, 148–167. (Corresponding author)

      7. Cen, T., Li, W.X.,* Wang, X.C., Pang, C.J., Li, Z.X., Xing, G.F., Zhao, X.L., Tao, J.H. 2016. Petrogenesis of early Jurassic basalts in southern Jiangxi Province, South China: Implications for the thermal state of the Mesozoic mantle beneath South China. Lithos, 256-257, 311-330. (Corresponding author)

      8. He, P.L., Huang, X.L., Xu, Y.G., Li, H.Y., Wang, X., Li, W.X. 2016. Plume-orogenic lithosphere interaction recorded in the Haladala layered intrusion in the Southwest Tianshan Orogen, NW China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 121, 1525–1545.

      9. Yao, W.H., Li, Z.X., Li, W.X. 2015. Was there a Cambrian ocean in South China? – Insight from detrital provenance analyses. Geological Magazine 152 (1), 2015, 184–191.

      10. Huang, H.Q., Li, X.H., Li, Z.X., Li, W.X. 2015. Formation of the Jurassic South China Large Granitic Province: Insights from the genesis of the Jiufeng pluton. Chemical Geology 2015, 104, 43-58.

      11. Yao, W.-H., Li, ZX., Li, WX., Su, L., Yang , JH. 2015. Detrital provenance evolution of the Ediacaran-Silurian Nanhua foreland basin, South China. Gondwana Research, 28, 1449-1465.

      12. 陶繼華,岑濤,龍文國,李武顯. 2015. 華南印支期弱過(guò)鋁質(zhì)和強過(guò)鋁質(zhì)花崗巖中黑云母的礦物化學(xué)及其巖石成因制約. 地學(xué)前緣 2015 222),64-78.

      13. Tao, J.H., Li, W.X*., Cai, Y.F., Cen, T. 2014. Mineralogical feature and geological significance of muscovites from the Longyuanba Indosinian and Yanshannian two-mica granites in the eastern Nanling Range. Science China Ser. D-Earth, 57(6), 1150-1157. (Corresponding author)

      14. Yao, WH., Li, ZX., Li, WX., Li, XH., Yang , JH. 2014. From Rodinia to Gondwanaland: a tale of detrital zircon provenance analyses from the southern Nanhua basin, South China. American Journal of Science, 314, 278–313, DOI 10.2475/01.2014.08.

      15. Li, X.H., Li, Z.X., Li, W.X. 2014. Detrital zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope constrains on the generation and reworking of Precambrian continental crust in the Cathaysia Block, South China: A synthesis. Gondwana Research, 25, 1202-1215.

      16. 陶繼華,李武顯*,李獻華,岑 . 2013. 贛南龍源壩地區燕山期高分異花崗巖年代學(xué)、地球化學(xué)及鋯石Hf-O同位素研究. 中國科學(xué)-地球科學(xué)版(D輯),43(5),760-778. (通訊作者)

      17. Tao, J.H., Li, W.X*., Li, X.H., Cen, T. 2013. Petrogenesis of early Yanshanian highly evolved granites in the Longyuanba area, southern Jiangxi Province: evidence from zircon U-Pb dating, Hf-O isotope and whole-rock geochemistry. Science in China Ser. D-Earth Sci. 56(6), 922-939, doi: 10.1007/s11430-013-4593-6. (Corresponding author)

      18. 李武顯,趙希林,邢光福,岑濤,陶繼華. 2013. 南嶺東段早侏羅世沉積巖碎屑鋯石U-Pb定年及其地質(zhì)意義以東坑盆地為例. 大地構造與成礦學(xué),311),78-86.

      19. Li, X.H., Li, Z.X., Li, W.X., Wang, X.C., Gao, Y.Y. 2013. Revisiting the “C-type adakites” of the Lower Yangtze River Belt, central eastern China: In-situ zircon Hf–O isotope and geochemical constraints. Chemical Geology, 345, 1-15.

      20. Huang, H.Q., Li, X.H., Li, Z.X., Li, W.X. 2013. Intraplate crustal remelting as the genesis of Jurassic high-K granites in the coastal region of the Guangdong Province, SE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 74, 280-302,  DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.09.009.

      21. 李獻華, 唐國強, 龔冰, 楊岳衡, 侯可軍, 胡兆初, 李秋立, 劉宇, 李武顯. 2013. Qinghu(清湖)鋯石: 一個(gè)新的U-Pb年齡和O, Hf同位素微區分析工作標樣. 科學(xué)通報, 58(20), 1954-1961. (Li Xianhua, Tang Guoqiang, Guo Bin, Yang Yueheng, Hou Kejun, Hu zhaochu, Li Quili, Liu Yu, Li Wuxian. 2013. Qinghu zircon: A working reference for microbeam analysis of U-Pb age and Hf and O isotopes. Chin Sci Bull, 2013, 58, doi: 10.1007/s11434-013-5932-x)

      22. 陶繼華,李武顯*,蔡元峰,岑濤. 2013. 南嶺東段龍源壩印支和燕山期二云母花崗巖中白云母礦物化學(xué)特征及地質(zhì)意義. 中國科學(xué)-地球科學(xué)版(D輯),43(10), 1659- 1666.(通訊作者)

      23. 李洪顏,黃小龍,李武顯,曹俊,賀鵬麗,徐義剛. 2013. 塔西南其木干早二疊世玄武巖的噴發(fā)時(shí)代及地球化學(xué)特征. 巖石學(xué)報,29(10), 3353-3368.

      24. 賀鵬麗,黃小龍,李洪顏,李潔,于洋,李武顯. 西天山哈拉達拉輝長(cháng)巖的Fe-Ti富集機制及其構造意義. 巖石學(xué)報,29(10), 3457-3472.

      25. Li, Z.X., Li, X.H., Chung, S.L., Lo, Q.H., Xu, X.S., Li, W.X. 2012. Magmatic switch-on and switch-off along the South China continental margin since the Permian: Transition from an Andean-type to a Western Pacific-type plate boundary. Tectonophysics, 532-535, 271-290.

      26. Li, X.H., Li, Z.X., He, B., Li, W.X., Li, Q.L., Gao, Y., Wang, X.C. 2012. The Early Permian active continental margin and crustal growth of the Cathaysia Block: In situ U–Pb, Lu–Hf and O isotope analyses of detrital zircons. Chemical Geology, 328, 195–207.

      27. Yao, W.H., Li, Z.X., Li, W.X., Wang, X.C., Li, X.H., Yang, J.H. 2012. Post-kinematic lithospheric delamination of the Wuyi–Yunkai orogen in South China: Evidence from ca. 435 Ma high-Mg basalts. Lithos, 154, 115-–129.

      28.  Huang, H.Q., Li, X.H., Li, W.X., Li, Z.X. 2012. Reply to “Formation of high 18O fayalite-bearing A-type granite by high-temperature melting of granulitic metasedimentary rocks, southern China”. Geology, e278, doi:10.1130/G33526Y.1.

      29.  李獻華,李武顯,何斌. 2012. 華南陸塊的形成與Rodinia超大陸聚合-裂解觀(guān)察、解釋與檢驗. 礦物巖石地球化學(xué)通報,316),530-546.

      30. Huang, H.Q., Li, X.H., Li, W.X., Li, Z.X. 2011. Formation of high 18O fayalite-bearing A-type granite by high temperature melting of granulitic metasedimentary rocks, southern China. Geology, 39, 903-906. doi:10.1130/G32080.

      31. Li, W.X., Li, X.H., Li, Z.X. 2010. Ca. 850 Ma bimodal volcanic rocks in northeastern Jiangxi province, South China: initial extension during the breakup of Rodinia. American Journal of Science, 310, 951-980. 

      32. Li, X.H., Li, W.X., Li, Q.L., Wang, X.C., Liu, Y., Yang, Y.H., 2010. Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of the ~850 Ma Gangbian alkaline complex in South China: evidence from in-situ zircon U-Pb and Hf-O isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry. Lithos, 114, 1-15.

      33. Li, X.H., Li, W.X., Wang, X.C., Li, Q.L., Liu, Y., Tang, G.Q., Gao, Y.Y., Wu, F.Y., 2010. SIMS U–Pb zircon geochronology of porphyry Cu–Au–(Mo) deposits in the Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, eastern China: Magmatic response to early Cretaceous lithospheric extension. Lithos, 119, 427-438.

      34. Li, Z.X., Li, X.H., Wartho, J.A., Clark, C., Li, W.X., Zhang, C.L., Bao C.M., 2010. Magmatic and metamorphic events during the early Paleozoic Wuyi-Yunkai orogeny, southeastern South China: New age constraints and pressure-temperature conditions. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 122, 772-793.

      35. Yang, D.S., Li, X.H., Li, W.X., Liang, X.Q., Long, W.G., Xiong, X.L., 2010. U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar geochronology of the Baiyunshan gneiss (central Guangdong, south China): constraints on the timing of early Palaeozoic and Mesozoic tectonothermal events in the Wuyun (Wuyi-Yunkai) Orogen. Geological Magazine, 147, 481-496.


      36. Li, W.X., Li, X.H., Li, Z.X. 2008. Middle Neoproterozoic syn-rifting volcanic rocks in Guangfeng, South China: Petrogenesis and tectonic significance. Geological Magazine, 145 (4), 475-489.

      37. Li, W.X., Li,X.H., Li, Z.X., Lou, F.S. 2008. Obduction-type granites within the NE Jiangxi Ophiolite: implications for the final amalgamation between the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks. Gondwana Res., 13, 288-301.

      38. Li, W.X., Li, X.H., Li, Z.X. 2005. Neoproterozoic bimodal magmatism in the Cathaysia Block of South China and its tectonic significance. Precambrian Research, 136, 51-66.

      39. Li, W.X., Li, X.H. 2003. Adakitic granites within the NE Jiangxi Ophiolites, South China: geochemical and Nd isotopic evidence. Precamb. Res., 122, 29-44.

      40. 李武顯,周新民,李獻華,2003. 長(cháng)樂(lè )-南澳斷裂帶變形火成巖的U-Pb40Ar/39Ar年代學(xué)研究. 地質(zhì)科學(xué), 38, 22-30.

      41. 李武顯,李獻華, 2003. 蛇綠巖中的花崗質(zhì)巖石成因類(lèi)型及構造意義. 地球科學(xué)進(jìn)展, 18(3), 392-397.

      42. 李武顯,李獻華. 2003. 贛東北蛇綠巖中的埃達克型花崗巖:地球化學(xué)和Nd同位素證據. 高校地質(zhì)學(xué)報,10, 199-208.

      43. 李武顯, 周新民, 李獻華, 謝國剛, 李均輝. 2001. 廬山星子變質(zhì)核雜巖中偉晶巖鋯石U-Pb年齡及其地質(zhì)意義. 地質(zhì)科學(xué), 26, 491-495.

      44. 李武顯、周新民. 2001. 古太平洋巖石圈消減與中國東南部晚中生代火成巖成因巖石圈消減與玄武巖底侵相結合模式的補充證據. 大地構造與成礦學(xué),25(1), 55-63.

      45. 李武顯,周新民. 2000. 浙閩沿海晚中生代火成巖成因的地球化學(xué)制約. 自然科學(xué)進(jìn)展, 10(7), 630-641.

      46. 李武顯,徐夕生,周新民等. 1998. 廬山星子雜巖中綠簾石花崗巖的定年和成因. 地質(zhì)論評, 44(2), 143-148.

      47. 李武顯,董傳萬(wàn),周新民. 1999. 平潭和漳州深成雜巖中斜長(cháng)石捕虜晶與巖漿混合作用. 巖石學(xué)報,15(2), 286-290.

      48. 李武顯,周新民. 1999. 中國東南部晚中生代俯沖帶探索. 高校地質(zhì)學(xué)報,5(2), 164-169.

      49. Li, X.H., Li, W.X., Li, Z.X., Lo, C.H., Wang, J., Ye, M.F., Yang, Y.H., 2009. Amalgamation between the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks in South China: Constraints from SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages, geochemistry and Nd-Hf isotopes of the Shuangxiwu volcanic rocks. Precambrian Res., 174, 117–128.

      50. Li, X.H., Li, W.X., Li, Z.X., Liu, Y., 2008. 850-790 Ma bimodal volcanic and intrusive rocks in northern Zhejiang, South China: a major episode of continental rift magmatism during the breakup of Rodinia. Lithos, 120, 341-357.

      51. Ye, M.F., Li, X.H., Li, W.X., Liu, Y., Li, Z.X. 2007. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb geochronological and whole-rock geochemical evidence for an early Neoproterozoic Sibaoan magmatic arc along the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Block. Gondwana Res., 12, 144-156.

      52. Li, X.H., Li, Z.X., Li, W.X., Wang, Y.J. 2006. Initiation of the Indosinian Orogeny in South China: Evidence for a Permian Magmatic Arc on Hainan Island. Journal Geology, 114-341-353.

      53. Li, X.H., Li, Z.X., Sinclair, J.A., Li, W.X., Carter, G., 2006. Revisiting the “Yanbian Terrane”: implications for Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the western Yangtze Block, South China. Precambrian Res., 151: 14-30.

      54. Li, X.H., Chen, Z.G., Liu, D.Y., Li, W.X. 2003. Jurassic gabbro-granite-syenite suites from southern Jiangxi Province, SE China: Age, origin and tectonic significance. Int. Geol. Rev., 45, 898-921.

      55. Zhou, X.M., Li, W.X. 2000. Origin of Late Mesozoic igneous rocks in Southeastern China: implications for lithosphere subduction and underplating of mafic magma. Tectonophysics, 326, 269-287.

      56. 周新民,李武顯. 中國東南部晚中生代火成巖成因:巖石圈消減和玄武巖底侵相結合的模式. 自然科學(xué)進(jìn)展, 2000, 10(3): 240~247.

    • 1. 負責國家基金面上項目:南嶺東段早侏羅世巖漿巖的時(shí)空分布于成因研究2014.01-2017.12

      2.  負責國家基金面上項目:“Rodinia超大陸形成初期關(guān)鍵巖漿巖的年代學(xué)和地球化學(xué)研究2016.01-2019.12

      3.  參加“華南深地專(zhuān)項”課題“華南陸內成礦系統的深部過(guò)程與物質(zhì)響應”(2016.07-2020.12

      4.  參加“中科院先導項目”課題“地幔柱-板塊相互作用的巖漿響應”(2016-2020