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    • 姓名: 陳文煌
    • 性別: 男
    • 職務(wù): 
    • 職稱(chēng): 副研究員
    • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
    • 電話(huà): 
    • 傳真: 
    • 電子郵件: chenwenhuang@gig.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址: 廣州市天河區科華街511號
      簡(jiǎn)  歷:
    •   2022.01-至今 中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,副研究員

        2018.11-2021.12 中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,助理研究員

        2016.08-10 國際大洋發(fā)現計劃(IODP362航次,微體古生物(有孔蟲(chóng))專(zhuān)家

        2015.08-2018.11 中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,博士后

        2010.09-2015.07 中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,博士

             2006.09-2010.07 蘭州大學(xué),學(xué)士

      社會(huì )任職:
    •   生物地層與沉積大地構造,近期的研究興趣集中于(1)南海構造演化在菲律賓巴拉望和呂宋島的地層-沉積記錄;(2)喜馬拉雅東段的水系演化和剝露歷史。

    •   2020年度廣州地球化學(xué)研究所年度代表性成果
    • 1. Chen Wen-Huang, Yan Yi*, Carter Andrew, Huang Chi-Yue, Yumul Jr. Graciano P., Dimalanta Carla B., Gabo-Ratio Jillian Aira S., Wang Ming-Huei, Chen Duofu, Shan Yehua, Zhang Xin-Chang, and Liu Weiliang, 2021. Stratigraphy and provenance of the Paleogene syn-rift sediments in central-southern Palawan: Paleogeographic significance for the South China margin. Tectonics. 40: e2021TC006753.

      2. Chen Wen-Huang*, Yan Yi*, Clift Peter D., Carter Andrew, Huang Chi-Yue, Pickering Kevin T., Chemale Jr. Farid, Shan Yehua, Zhang Xinchang, 2020. Drainage evolution and exhumation history of the eastern Himalaya: Insights from the Nicobar Fan, northeastern Indian Ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 548: 116472.

      3. Chen Wen-Huang, Huang Chi-Yue*, Yan Yi*, Dilek Yildirim, Chen Duofu, Wang Ming-Hui, Zhang Xinchang, Lan Qing, and Yu Mengming, 2017. Stratigraphy and provenance of forearc sequences in the Lichi M lange, Coastal Range: Geological records of the active Taiwan arc-continent collision. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 122: 7408–7436.

      4. Chen Wen-Huang, Huang Chi-Yue*, Lin Yen-Jun, Zhao Quanhong, Yan Yi*, Chen Duofu, Zhang Xinchang, Lan Qing, and Yu Mengming, 2015. Depleted deep South China Sea 13C paleoceanographic events in response to tectonic evolution in Taiwan–Luzon Strait since Middle Miocene. Deep-Sea Research II. 122: 195-225.

      5. 陳文煌,黃奇瑜*,林彥均,閆義,陳多福,蘭青,余夢(mèng)明,錢(qián)坤, 2015. 臺灣東部海岸山脈樂(lè )合弧前盆地層序:記錄活躍斜向弧陸碰撞之構造演化.大地構造與成礦學(xué). 39(6): 992–1007.

      6. Zhang Xinchang*, Yan Yi, Dilek Yildirim, Chen Wen-Huang and Shan Yehua, 2023. Mid-Miocene uplift and tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the Taiwan accretionary prism: Constraints from sedimentary records in the Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 147: 105994.

      7. Yu Mengming, Yan Yi*, Huang Chi-Yue, Zhang Xinchang, Tian Zhixian, Chen Wen-Huang and Santosh M, 2018. Opening of the South China Sea and upwelling of the Hainan plume. Geophysical Research Letters, 45: 2600–2609.

      8. Yan Yi*, Yao Deng, Tian Zhixian, Huang Chiyue, Chen Wenhuang, Santosh M., Yumul Jr. Graciano P. and Dimalanta Carla B., 2018. Zircon U-Pb chronology and Hf isotope from the Palawan-Mindoro Block, Philippines: Implication to provenance and tectonic evolution of the South China Sea. Tectonics. 37: 1063–1076.

      9. Backman Jan, Chen Wenhuang, Kachovich Sarah, Mitchison Freya, Petronotis Katerina, Yang Tao, and Zhao Xixi, 2019. Data report: revised age models for IODP Sites U1480 and U1481, Expedition 362. In McNeill, L.C., Dugan, B., Petronotis, K.E., and the Expedition 362 Scientists, Sumatra Subduction Zone. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 362: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).

      10. H pers Andre*, Torres Marta E., Owari Satoko, McNeill Lisa C., Dugan Brandon, Henstock Timothy J., Milliken Kitty L., Petronotis Katerina E, Backman Jan, Bourlange Sylvain, Chemale Jr. Farid, Chen Wenhuang, Colson Tobias A., Frederik Marina C. G., Gu rin Gilles, Hamahashi Mari, House Brian M., Jeppson Tamara N., Kachovich Sarah, Kenigsberg Abby R., Kuranaga Mebae, Kutterolf Steffen, Mitchison Freya L., Mukoyoshi Hideki, Nair Nisha, Pickering Kevin T., Pouderoux Hugo F. A., Shan Yehua, Song Insun, Vannucchi Paola, Vrolijk Peter J., Yang Tao and Zhao Xixi, 2017. Release of mineral-bound water prior to subduction tied to shallow seismogenic slip off Sumatra. Science. 356:  841–844.

      11. McNeill Lisa C.*, Dugan Brandon, Backman Jan, Pickering Kevin T., Pouderouxe Hugo F.A., Henstocka Timothy J., Petronotis Katerina E., Carter Andrew, Farid Chemale Jr., Milliken Kitty L., Kutterolf Steffen, Mukoyoshi Hideki, Chen Wenhuang, Kachovichm Sarah, Mitchison Freya L., Bourlange Sylvain, Colson Tobias A., Frederik Marina C.G., Gu rin Gilles, Hamahashi Mari, House Brian M., H pers Andre, Jeppson Tamara N., Kenigsberg Abby R., Kuranaga Mebae, Nisha Nair, OwariSatoko, Shan Yehua, Song Insun, Torres Marta E., Vannucchi Paola, Vrolijk Peter J., Yang Tao, Zhao Xixi and Thomas Ellen. 2017. Understanding Himalayan erosion and the significance of the Nicobar Fan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 475: 134–142.

      12. Huang Chi-Yue*, Chen Wen-Huang, Wang Ming-Huei, Lin Chiou-Ting, Yang ShengxiongLi XuejieMengming YuZhao XixiYang Kenn-MingLiu Char-Shine, Hsieh Yu-Huan, Harris Ron. 2018. Juxtaposed sequence stratigraphy, temporal-spatial variations of sedimentation and development of modern-forming m lange in North Luzon Trough forearc basin onshore and offshore eastern Taiwan: An overview. Earth-Science Reviews. 182: 102–146.

      13. McNeill Lisa C., Dugan Brandon, Petronotis Katerina E., Backman Jan, Bourlange Sylvain, Chemale Farid, Chen Wenhuang, Colson Tobias A., Frederik Marina C. G., Gu rin Gilles, Hamahashi Mari, Henstock Timothy J., House Brian M., H pers Andre, Jeppson Tamara N., Kachovich Sarah, Kenigsberg Abby R., Kuranaga Mebae, Kutterolf Steffen, Milliken Kitty L., Mitchison Freya L., Mukoyoshi Hideki, Nair Nisha, Owari Satoko, Pickering Kevin T., Pouderoux Hugo F. A., Shan Yehua, Song Insun, Vannucchi Paola, Vrolijk Peter J., Yang Tao and Zhao Xixi, 2017. Sumatra Subduction Zone. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 362: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program)

      14. Lan Qing, Yan Yi*, Huang Chi-Yue, Santosh M., Shan Ye-Hua, Chen Wenhuang, Yu Mengming, Qian Kun, 2016. Topographic architecture and drainage reorganization in Southeast China: Zircon U-Pb chronology and Hf isotope evidence from Taiwan. Gondwana Research. 36 (24): 376-389.

      15. Zhang Xinchang, Cawood Peter A., Huang Chi-Yue, Wang Yuejun, Yan Yi*, Santosh M., Chen Wenhuang, Yu Mengming, 2016. From convergent plate margin to arc-continent collision: Formation of the Kenting M lange, southern Taiwan. Gondwana Research. 38: 171-182.

      16. Zhang Xinchang, Yan Yi*, Huang Chi-Yue*, Chen Duofu, Shan Yehua, Lan Qing, Chen Wenhuang, Yu Mengming. 2014. Provenance analysis of the Miocene accretionary prism of the Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan, and regional geological significance. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 25: 26-39.

      17. Lan Qing, Yan Yi*, Huang Chi-Yue, Clift Peter D., Li Xuejie, Chen Wenhuang, Zhang Xinchang, Yu Mengming, 2014,. Tectonics, topography, and river system transition in East Tibet: Insights from the sedimentary record in Taiwan. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 15(9): 3658-3674.

      18. 許慎棟,陳文煌,鄧文峰,賈國東*, 2016. 南海北部沉積物中浮游有孔蟲(chóng)Globigerinoides ruber殼體氧同位素指示的冬季表層海水溫度. 海洋地質(zhì)與第四紀地質(zhì). 36(2): 101-107.

      19. 錢(qián)坤,閆義*,黃奇瑜,陳文煌,余夢(mèng)明,田陟賢. 2016.南海擴張過(guò)程及海陸變遷沉積記錄. 海洋地質(zhì)前沿. 32(8)10-23.

      20. 張新昌*,李婷婷,陳文煌,余夢(mèng)明,蘭青. 2015. 臺灣南部恒春半島中新世增生楔碎屑鋯石U-Pb年代學(xué)及其地質(zhì)意義. 海洋地質(zhì)與第四紀地質(zhì).  35(2): 125-137.

      21. 余夢(mèng)明, 閆義*, 黃奇瑜, 劉海泉, 張新昌, 蘭青, 陳文煌, 錢(qián)坤,2015. 菲律賓蛇綠巖及其大地構造意義海洋地質(zhì)與第四紀地質(zhì).  35(6): 53-71

      Researchgate學(xué)術(shù)主頁(yè): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wen-Huang-Chen/research

    •   1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目、東北印度洋尼科巴扇沉積記錄及其對喜馬拉雅東段水系演化和隆升剝露歷史的意義、2021.01–2024.12、60萬(wàn)元、主持
        2. 國家自然科學(xué)基金青年科學(xué)基金項目、巴拉望中南部始新世–中新世地層沉積記錄及其對南海東南緣構造演化的意義、2017.01–2019.12、20萬(wàn)元、主持
        4. 廣東省基礎與應用基礎研究基金自然科學(xué)基金面上項目、2024.01-2026.12、15萬(wàn)元、主持
        5. 廣州市基礎研究計劃—基礎與應用基礎研究項目(博士青年科技人員類(lèi))、2023.04-2025.03、5萬(wàn)元、主持
        6. 國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃、太平洋-歐亞-印度多板塊匯聚對地球宜居性的影響、2023.10-2028.09、參與
        7. 南方海洋科學(xué)與工程廣東省實(shí)驗室(廣州)人才團隊引進(jìn)重大專(zhuān)項項目、大洋板塊形成、演化與消亡的地球化學(xué)示蹤、2019.09–2022.09、3000萬(wàn)、參與