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    • 姓名: 吳亮亮
    • 性別: 男
    • 職務(wù): 
    • 職稱(chēng): 副研究員
    • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
    • 電話(huà): 020-87597391
    • 傳真: 
    • 電子郵件: wuliangliang@gig.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址: 廣州地化所標本樓712室
      簡(jiǎn)  歷:
    •   籍貫湖北黃岡,博士,中共黨員。現任中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所副研究員。本科在成都理工大學(xué)地質(zhì)系就讀,隨后于中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所碩博連讀并獲有機地球化學(xué)博士學(xué)位。學(xué)科方向為油氣地球化學(xué)。曾于2014年赴德國GFZ進(jìn)行學(xué)術(shù)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。近期主要研究方向:(1)深部及非常規油氣地球化學(xué);(2)有機-無(wú)機相互作用等。研究成果發(fā)表SCI刊物論文40余篇,其中在Organic Geochemistry, Marine petroleum Geology, International Journal of Coal Geology等主流期刊上發(fā)表一作/通訊作者SCI論文14篇。現任《地球化學(xué)》、《石油實(shí)驗地質(zhì)》青年編委。

      社會(huì )任職:
    •   (1)深部及非常規油氣地球化學(xué);
    •   1. 第十五屆全國有機地球化學(xué)會(huì )議優(yōu)秀青年論文口頭報告獎(2015年)

        2. 第十七屆全國有機地球化學(xué)會(huì )議優(yōu)秀青年論文口頭報告獎(2017年)

    • 1.Fang Xinyan, Deng Bin, Geng Ansong, Liu Shufen, Wang Pufan, Liang Xiao, Li Yun, Cheng Bin, Jiang Wenmin, Wu Liangliang*.  Geochemical properties, mechanism of formation, and source of solid bitumen in the Ediacaran Dengying Formation from the central to northern Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2024,106573.

      2.Fang Xinyan, Wu Liangliang*, Geng Ansong, Li Yun, Jiang Wenmin, Cheng Bin, Liu Shufen, Wang Pufan, Characteristics of bound biomarkers released from pyrobitumens generated from the cracking of different types of crude oils. Organic Geochemistry, 2023,104701.

      3.Wu Liangliang*, Liu Shufen, Fang Xinyan, Pufan Wang, Geng Ansong, Formation of pyrobitumen from different types of crude oils and its significance: Insight from elemental composition analysis. Marine Petroleum Geology, 2023,152,106227.

      4.Fang Xinyan, Geng Ansong, Wu Liangliang*, Comparison of the Ediacaran and Cambrian petroleum systems in the Tianjingshan and the Micangshan uplifts, northern Sichuan Basin, China. Marine Petroleum Geology, 2022,105876.

      5.Wu Liangliang*, Fang Xinyan, Geng Ansong, Influence of carbonate minerals on the pyrolysis and phase behavior of oil. Marine Petroleum Geology, 2021,134, 105374.

      6.Fang Xinyan,Wu Liangliang*, Lin Daisha, Zhang Yanyan, Liu Shufen, Thermal evolution of steroids during anhydrous pyrolysis of cholesterol with and without elemental sulfur. Organic Geochemistry, 2021,157,104250.

      7.Fang Xinyan; Wu Liangliang; Geng Ansong*; Deng Qian. Formation and evolution of the Ediacaran to Lower Cambrian black shales in the Yangtze Platform, South China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,2019,87-102.

      8.Wu Liangliang, Wang Peng, Geng Ansong*. Later stage gas generation in shale gas systems based on pyrolysis in closed and semi-closed systems. International Journal of Coal Geology,2019,206,80-90.

      9. Wu Liangliang*, Horsfield Brian. Initial insights into releasing bound biomarkers from kerogen matrices using microscale sealed vessel catalytic hydrogenation (MSSV-HY). Organic Geochemistry,2019,130,22-32.                                   

      10.Wu Liangliang*, Fang Xinyan, Ji Shuhuan, Geng Ansong. Thermal alteration of biomarkers in the presence of elemental sulfur and sulfur bearing minerals during hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysis.Organic Geochemistry,2018, 123,74-89.

      11.Wu Liangliang*, Geng Ansong, Wang Peng, 2018. Oil expulsion in marine shale and its influence on the evolution of nanopores during semi-closed pyrolysis. International Journal of Coal Geology,2018,191,125-134.

      12.Wu Liangliang, Geng Ansong*. Differences in the thermal evolution of hopanes and steranes in free and bound fractions. Organic Geochemistry,2016,101,38-48.

      13.Wu Liangliang, Liao Yuhong, Geng Ansong*. Investigation of hydropyrolysis released aromatic hydrocarbons from Permian kerogens at different maturities in the Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2015,114,47-59.

      14.Wu Liangliang, Liao Yuhong, Fang Yunxin, Geng Ansong*, 2013. The deference in biomarkers released by hydropyrolysis and by Soxhlet extract from source rocks of different maturities and its geological implications. Chinese Science Bulletin,2013,58(3), 373-383.

      15.Wu Liangliang, Liao Yuhong, Fang Yunxin, Geng Ansong*. The study on the source of the oil seeps and bitumens in the Tianjingshan structure of the northern Longmen Mountain structure of Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2012,37(1), 147-161.

      16.王鵬,吳亮亮*,耿安松,方新焰.礦物組成及孔隙結構特征對川東南五峰組-龍馬溪組頁(yè)巖封閉能力的影響. 地球化學(xué),2018,47(6),661-674.

      17.吳亮亮, 廖玉宏, 方允鑫, 耿安松*.不同成熟度烴源巖催化加氫熱解產(chǎn)物與抽提物中的生物標志化合物的特征的差異及其地質(zhì)意義. 科學(xué)通報, 2012,57(32),3067-3077.

    •   1.國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,四川盆地北部多成因固體瀝青形成過(guò)程的地球化學(xué)記錄及烴源指示意義,No. 419721502020.01-2023.1265萬(wàn)元,項目負責人

        2.國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,地質(zhì)體中芳香甾烷類(lèi)化合物的成因研究,No. 416730442017.01-2020.1265萬(wàn)元,項目負責人

        3.國家自然科學(xué)基金青年基金項目,高過(guò)成熟有機質(zhì)中鍵合態(tài)芳香烴組分研究及其石油地質(zhì)意義,No. 413030332014.01-2016.1225萬(wàn)元,項目負責人

