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    • 姓名: 程斌
    • 性別: 男
    • 職務(wù): 
    • 職稱(chēng): 副研究員
    • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
    • 電話(huà): 020-85297500
    • 傳真: 
    • 電子郵件: chengbin@gig.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址: 廣州市天河區科華街511號
      簡(jiǎn)  歷:
    •   程斌,湖北武漢人,博士,副研究員。2009年畢業(yè)于中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)(武漢),獲地球化學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位;2014年畢業(yè)于中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,獲地球化學(xué)博士學(xué)位,畢業(yè)后留所工作至今。主持或參加了國家自然科學(xué)基金、國家科技重大專(zhuān)項以及中科院先導專(zhuān)項等科研項目,目前以第一作者或通訊作者在A(yíng)CS Earth Space Chem.、 Org. Geochem.、 Mar. Petrol. Geol.和Palaeogeogr., Palaeocl.等國際SCI期刊上發(fā)表論文15篇。主要從事有機地球化學(xué)方面的研究工作,主要包括:(1)在有機地質(zhì)大分子吸附/包裹烴類(lèi)地球化學(xué)方面開(kāi)展了大量的研究,首次提出了包裹烴類(lèi)隨大分子形態(tài)演變而發(fā)生遷移演化的特性,并在油源對比、沉積環(huán)境評價(jià)等方面取得了較好的應用;(2)初步開(kāi)展了非常規油氣地球化學(xué)方面的研究,首次提出了甲烷裂解是高-過(guò)成熟頁(yè)巖氣藏中碳同位素倒轉的主要成因機制,揭示了水對高-過(guò)成熟頁(yè)巖氣資源的具有重要貢獻,圈定了祁連山凍土區天然氣水合物氣源層位;(3)初步研究了關(guān)鍵地質(zhì)時(shí)期有機質(zhì)的富集保存機制,提出了在SPICE事件期間(497–494 Ma)海洋浮游藻類(lèi)主要通過(guò)CCM機制來(lái)利用碳源,從而導致了沉積巖中有機和無(wú)機碳同位素的協(xié)同正漂移;(4)近期正在開(kāi)展深層油氣藏中芳烴碳-氫同位素的協(xié)同演化及其地球化學(xué)應用等方面的研究工作。 


      社會(huì )任職:
    •   有機地球化學(xué)

    • 1. Wang H., Zhao G., Cheng B.*, Zhang H., Liao Z., 2023. Molecular record of the SPICE event in well YD2, Tarim Basin: Insights from catalytic hydropyrolysis of kerogens. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 148, 106038.

      2. Li S., Wei Z., Liu H., Cheng B.*, Xu J., Liao Z., 2022. A new method for the quantification of hydrogen contribution from water to methane during hydrous kerogen pyrolysis. Organic Geochemistry, 173, 104495.

      3. Wang H., Deng Q., Cheng B.*, Zhang H., Liao Z., Peng P., 2022. Synchronous positive 13Ccarb and 13Corg excursions during 497–494 Ma: From a CO2 concentrating mechanism dominated photosynthesis? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 602, 111160.

      4. Deng Q., Zhang H., Wang H., Wei Z., Cheng B.*, Li S., Wang Y., Faboya O.L., Liao Z., 2021. Organic matter accumulation mechanism in the Lower Cambrian strata from Well Luntan 1 in the Tarim Basin, NW China. Geofluids, 2021, 6668707.

      5. Cheng B., Xu J., Deng Q., Liao Z., Wang Y., Faboya, O.L., Li S., Liu J., Peng P., 2020. Methane cracking within shale rocks: A new explanation for carbon isotope reversal of shale gas. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 121, 104591.

      6. Zhang H., Xu J., Zhang K., Wei Z., Zhao Q., Faboya, O.L., Cheng B.*, 2020. Geochemical characteristics of carbon and hydrogen isotopes of light crude oils from the deep reservoirs in the Tazhong area of Tarim Basin, NW China. Petroleum Science and Technology, 32, 509–515.

      7. Cheng B., Liang Y., Xu J., Deng Q., Wei Z., Faboya, O.L., Liao Z., 2018. Remarkable fractionation of hydrogen isotope ( D) of hydrocarbon during fast aromatization process: Insights from the pyrolysis experiments of n-butylcyclohexane. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2, 1240–1248.

      8. Liu Y., Cheng B.*, Liao Z., Faboya O.L., 2019. Biomarker characteristics of the adsorbed/occluded components of asphaltenes recovered from thermal degradation of kerogen. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 360, 012004.

      9. Wei Z., Liang Y., Cheng B.*, Xu J., Zhang H., Faboya O.L., Liao Z., 2019. Geochemical characterization of aromatic hydrocarbons in light crude oil from Tazhong Uplift deep reservoirs, Tarim Basin, NW China. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 360, 012042.

      10Cheng B., Xu J., Liang Y., Deng Q., Tian Y., Liao Z., 2018. Determination and geochemical implication of multiple series of long-chain oxygen-bearing compounds trapped in kerogen in the Lucaogou Formation, Santanghu Basin, NW China. Organic Geochemistry, 121, 68–79.

      11Cheng B., Xu J., Lu Z., Li Y., Wang W., Yang S., Liu H., Wang T., Liao Z., 2018. Hydrocarbon source for oil and gas indication associated with gas hydrate and its significance in the Qilian Mountain permafrost, Qinghai, Northwest China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 89, 202–215.

      12. Xu J., Cheng B.*, Deng, Q., Liang Y., Faboya O.L., Liao Z., 2018. Distribution and geochemical significance of trace elements in shale rocks and their residual kerogens. Acta Geochimica, 37(6), 886–900.

      13Cheng B., Zhao J., Yang C., Tian Y., Liao Z., 2017. Geochemical evolution of occluded hydrocarbons inside geomacromolecules: A review. Energy & Fuels, 31, 8823–8832.

      14. Cheng B., Du J., Tian Y., Liu H., Liao Z., 2016. Thermal evolution of adsorbed/occluded hydrocarbons inside kerogens and its significance as exemplified by one low–matured kerogen from Santanghu Basin, Northwest China. Energy & Fuels, 30, 4529–4536.

      15Cheng B., Liao Z., Wang T., Liu H., Tian Y., Yang S., 2015. Multiple charges to Sinian reservoirs in the middle Sichuan basin, SW China: Insight from the adsorbed/occluded hydrocarbons in solid bitumens. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 127, 359–366.

      16. Cheng B., Hu S., Shen C., Liao Z., Liu H., Du J., Tian Y., 2014. The geochemical characterization of adsorbed/occluded hydrocarbons inside solid bitumen in the Kuangshanliang area of northwestern Sichuan Basin and its significance. Petroleum Science and Technology, 32, 2203–2211.

      17Cheng B., Yang C., Du J., Zhao J., Liao Z. 2014. Determination of the series of even carbon numbered  n-alk-(1)-enes trapped inside geomacromolecules. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 51, 49–51.

      18. 程斌廖澤文田彥寬趙靜, 2012. 川西北侏羅系沙溪廟組固體瀝青包裹烴的釋放及其地球化學(xué)意義地球化學(xué), 41(5), 425–432.


    • 1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目:輕質(zhì)油/凝析油藏中C7-C11芳烴化合物的演化特征及其地球化學(xué)意義,2023.01 - 2026.12,主持.

      2. 國家自然科學(xué)基金青年項目:地質(zhì)大分子結構中包裹烴類(lèi)的遷移演化特征及其地球化學(xué)意義,2016.01 - 2018.12,主持.

      3. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目:高過(guò)成熟頁(yè)巖中小分子烴類(lèi)降解對頁(yè)巖氣組成及其儲集的影響,2018.01 - 2021.12,參與;

      4. 國家重大專(zhuān)項“大型油氣田與煤層氣開(kāi)發(fā)”子課題:塔里木盆地深層烴源巖與油氣生成分布,2017.01 - 2020.12,參與;

      5. 中國科學(xué)院先導專(zhuān)項(A類(lèi))“智能導鉆技術(shù)裝備體系與相關(guān)理論研究”子課題:多相態(tài)、多組分油氣賦存狀態(tài),2017.01 - 2021.12,參與;

      6. 中國科學(xué)院先導專(zhuān)項(B類(lèi))“頁(yè)巖氣勘探開(kāi)發(fā)基礎理論與關(guān)鍵技術(shù)”子課題:過(guò)渡金屬催化對高成熟頁(yè)巖氣生成與儲集的影響,2014.01 - 2018.12,參與。